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techfornontechies's podcast

Oct 28, 2020

Learning notes from this episode:


  • There is a difference between deep tech investing, such as bio tech, and investing in commercial and UX innovation. For deep tech, you absolutely must have deep tech domain expertise, but this is not the case for commercial or UX innovations, such as Uber.
  • Venture funds often work...

Oct 21, 2020

Learning notes from this episode:


  • Non-technical founders are the interface between the product team and the users. They focus on making the right product, not getting the product right.
  • Setting the big vision and working out the steps to get there is another responsibility for non-technical founders.
  • Once you've...

Oct 14, 2020

Learning notes from this episode:


  • The Silicon Valley unicorn model of growth at all costs is not applicable to all tech startups.
  • "Camel companies" can survive a drought, i.e. they were created in constrained environments so could not just pump millions into marketing and R&D before they had a proven business model....

Oct 7, 2020

Learning notes from this episode:


  • The time to transition into tech is now, as lockdowns have moved our lives online. You can do this with a job change, or by investing or starting your own tech venture. 
  • Learn concepts, not skills. Understand how tech products are made, but don't retrain to be a coder or a data...